Saturday, 22 February 2014

Emmy Collins takes a swipe at Sen Ita-Giwa,Kelly Rowland and Linda Ikeji

emmy collins

Controversial designer/blogger/celebrity critic, Emmy Collins, has once again taken a swipe at some prominent Nigerians including Senator Florence Ita-Giwa, Linda Ikeji, Ay Makun, Monalisa Chinda, Agbani Darego and American singer Kelly Rowland. Its an interesting and funny read. Read below:

sen florence it giwasen florence it giwa1

Florence Ita-Giwa She looks very nice in this image considering that we are used to images  like the one directly below. Yes, this is so her age and for once the  make-up wasn`t so over the top. If I were her daughter, I would  nick that skirt off her. I believe a very edgy chic can work wonders with that skirt and she did alright with it herself considering her  limitations. She has definitely grinned her way into the winner’s corner without qualms. May we see more of this. Someone say AMEN nah, abi una no prefer her this way?

Whoever designed and sold this number needs to be named and shamed like our  former Aviation monster, oopsy, I meant minister,Stella Oduah. Well, I  don`t think anyone is shedding any tear for Madam Armoured Cars as she  must have stashed away enough to retire to Brazil this moment if she so  desires. I`m still gonna miss her make-up though,winks.

kelly rowland

kelly rowland1

Kelly Rowland
I said before and I will avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate  that there seems to be a sign somewhere in J.F Kennedy that says  “Nigerians don`t appreciate authentic style so tone it down if you are  heading out there.” I don’t understand how these American singers  collect big dosh only to underwhelm when it comes to fashion. Her bob  hairstyle is whack and her I-just-woke-up-my-banger (forget  Bugatti, abeg) outfit didn`t quite cut it. Yes, I understand the need to  dress for comfort when you are traveling on a long plane journey but  there are ways of doing it in style and looking yummy. She  is a loser on this one but if she gave a very good account of herself on stage then she can be adjudged to have redeemed herself.
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Linda Ikeji
Linda and her “designer”bags Linda still represents the picture of yesterday’s left over meal regardless  of whether her bags cost zillions of dollars or not and there could only be one reason for that which is a perpetual poverty of the mind.
I don`t know about you guys but nothing about Linda here suggests that she has  expended more than 50 quid on herself and I dare anyone including Linda  herself to prove me wrong.
You see, the Linda of today is  absolutely different from the humble Linda I used to know. The first  time I had a chat with Linda was after I read her blog and her exact  words were “Hi Emmy,fancy getting an email from u….. And u read my  blog?Yeeeeeeeeeee! lol”. It is apparent from her outbursts that this was a bubbly and humble lady who never took herself too seriously. Fast  forward a few years ahead and you get this lady who has circulated the  notion that all that matters is money,the mean lady who will cowardly  innovate lies against anyone who dares criticise her and then send her  gutter mouth sister to circulate same.
No doubt Linda has done  well for herself but if you asked me she hasn`t done well for the  society at the moment because readers who compromise of youths are being taught to accumulate money by all means necessary instead of being  educated on the need to work hard and persevere till success  arrives.Knowledge is power so Linda must yearn towards empowering her  readers rather than always telling them about who bought what car, who  wears the latest Rolex wristwatch or who built the biggest  house.
Sometimes the wristwatches ain`t even authentic, the cars don`t  exist and the houses belong to someone else, yet Linda will post the  stories without scrutiny and thereby making the young impressionable  youths and some not very smart section of her readership believe they  have been leading irrelevant and non-meaningful lives and thereby  indirectly encouraging them to go through any means necessary to amass  illegal wealth so that they can feature on Linda`s blog or perhaps wear a Rolex as well.
It is a shame that Linda doesn`t even realise how  much influence she could be if she chooses to. The question is does her  smartness extend to that level. We have become so cheap that once  someone expends money on us, he or she buys our silence forever.I  believe some very smart people would remind me of the amount to a tune  of a million naira which Linda doled out last Christmas.
Anyone that  comes up with that crap as an argument to put forward against my notion  that Linda doesn’t give back to society  is apparently not intelligent  enough to comprehend the angle I`m approaching. My answer to this group  of people would of course be a deafening silence. Please do  yourself a favour and don`t bring up the “you-hating-on-her” rubbish  because that will give you away as unwise,very impressionable and very  gullible.If you disagree with me then fair enough but argue for or  against the points I raised.
I prefer the old non-oppressive and humble Linda or was the Linda I used to know the fake Linda and this present one the real mccoy? hmmmmmmm, thinking.
Well,this came  about because Linda was posting bags again and talking the exact trash  her sister Laura came up with when she posted invoices which left me  with no option than to believe that Laura could have tweeted those  nonsensical stuff on her twitter page but it was Linda that initiated  and perhaps typed them all in. Looking at these images has totally convinced me that it there were ever an Mgbeke Inc. Linda will be the  national co-ordinator aka mgbeke in chief. Ok moving on.

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