Saturday, 12 April 2014

Remedies For Dry Lips

1. Honey and Vaseline

The nutritional characteristics of honey make it an amazing antibacterial and healing agent and Vaseline is one of the best skin softeners and protectants. When you combine these two items you have a delicious home remedy to banish those chaps!

Firstly apply a generous coating of honey to lips. (You may be required to lick on occasion to avoid drizzling.)
Apply some Vaseline on top of the honey and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Remove using a damp cotton pad
Do this once a day for 2-5 days

2. Cucumber

Rubbing your lips with a slice of cucumber is another simple (and edible) remedy to keep lips supple and soft.

3. Rose Petals

Soak rose petals in raw milk for a few hours, mash up into a paste and apply to the lips to keep them pink and smooth. This helps the lips to retain their lost color.

4. Buff it up

Buff your lips gently with a mixture of olive oil, sugar and brown sugar. Rub the scrub gently over your lips for a few minutes before rinsing off with warm water. A sweet smothering for softer lips!

5. Lemon Ointment

Take 1 tsp lemon juice,  1 tsp glycerin, and 1 tsp Castor oil. Mix these to make an ointment. Apply the ointment to chapped lips every night for a pucker you can be proud of in the morning!

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is has amazing healing powers for chapped lips. It contains natural ingredients that can strengthen the thin protective oil layer covering the skin and heal the symptoms of dry lips. Apply Aloe Vera gel to chapped lips regularly, for a cooling and soothing effect.

7. Olive Oil

Olive Oil is a natural moisturizer and lubricant. As well as massaging it gently into chapped lips, you can also mix with water and take as a drink, for a natural cure working from the inside.

8. Water Therapy

It may sound obvious, but drinking lots of water is vital for re-hydrating dehydrated lips. A lack of water in the body is the main reason for chapped lips. Aim to drink 8 glasses a day for a healthy smile.

9. Flax Seed Oil

Flax seed oil has nourishing nutrients like fatty acids that sink into the spongy tissues of the lips, making them soft and plump. Rub flax seed oil gently onto dry lips for an instant softening effect.

10. Mustard Oil

Apparently mustard oil applied to the navel is one of the most effective remedies to get rid of dry lips! Old wives’ tales proclaim that one or two drops of mustard oil in the belly button at night will give you soft lips in the morning. In this case I’d suggest that a new brush sweeps clean…and there’s no fool like an old fool!

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