Monday, 10 November 2014

Pastor Myles Monroe, Wife and Daughter dead in Airplane Crash

Myles Munroe And His Wife

What a shock to the world as Pastor Dr. Myles Monroe, Ruth Monroe and their Daughter passed unto eternal glory via a plane crash yesterday 9th November 2014. Though he has left us but his works will continue to speak volume of him. But While we mourn and grief over this resourceful soul lets take time to evaluate our lives. Therefore now that we are still here on earth and with opportunities on our way lets consider the following thoughtfully: 

1. When you die who will mourn for you? 

2. How have your affected your world?

 3. What impart and impact have you made and on who and in what ways? 

4. What lessons have you learnt from his passage unto glory?

 5. When you finally die where will you spend your eternity, Heaven or Hell? 

The world will miss you greatly sir!

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