Thursday, 1 May 2014

Tips For Contact Lens Wearers

Here are few tips for contact lens wearers, you need to make sure you care for them in order to protect the health of your eyes.  Your eye is a sensitive body part, and contact can carry bacteria when not cared for properly

1. Always wash your hands before removing, inserting, or otherwise handling your contact lenses.

2. Change out your contact solution daily. Go ahead and change the solution daily, and rinse out your case and each side of each lens every few days as well.

3. Don't sleep in your contacts.  There are several contacts that are made to be slept in.  While it's certain safe to sleep in those specific types of lenses, you will lengthen the life and quality of your lenses by taking them out at night.

4. Always put your contacts in before applying makeup, that way, you don't risk messing your mascara and eye shadow up.

5. Keep your fingernails short to avoid scratching your eyeball or ripping a contact lens.

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