1. Showing too much: Showing too much of anything doesn’t make you look sexy! Furthermore, it’s one of the worst fashion mistakes in my book and pretty much any book out there.
2. Improper Fit: Too large, too small – it doesn’t really matter, the point is that both can and do look bad and, even worse, make you look bad! Don’t hide in the folds of your baggy outfit and don’t try to squeeze yourself into something just for the sake of being able to say “I’m a size so-and-so”. Your outfit needs to have shape and structure, it needs to show off your best parts, flatter your curves and be kind to your critical spots.
3. Bling Overload: Playing up your outfit with a couple of carefully chosen pieces of jewelry is a definite DO and I really admire women who have a talent for mixing and matching and are always capable of pulling off a new trend perfectly. Over-doing it, however, is downright one of the worst fashion mistakes out there and probably something you’ll want to make sure to avoid, unless you really have a knack for keeping the Christmas spirit strong all year long.
4. Black and Brown: these two colors might even look okay in a pattern but you should never ever pair your black shoes with a brown bag and vice versa, unless your dress is either colour.
5. Make Up on the Beach: Wearing too much makeup often rates pretty high whenever worst fashion mistakes are being discussed- but what about wearing too much makeup on that one place absolutely no makeup is needed? Nope, not the gym, I’m talking about the beach! Mascara running, lip gloss melting into your cleavage, layers upon layers of foundation threatening to do something most cosmetic companies don’t even think about testing them on – boil! Ah…the price of …err… beauty?
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