Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Happy New Month of October!!!

Dear JFWD Readers,
Nigeria Flag Map - Mapsof.net
Grateful to GOD for Nigeria...
Happy New Month, I know we are all grateful to GOD for keeping our lives to see another wonderful month and in fact a significant month in Nigeria...Our Independent!!! Hurray!!!  GOD has indeed been faithful to us in this country...lets put our challenges aside and be grateful to this GREAT GOD...take a time out to say THANK YOU LORD for our Nation Nigeria...its not easy biko to turn 54...we aint there yet but surely we shall get there
nigeria flag - Google Search
I love Nigeria, am a patriotic Nigerian, GOD Bless my country Nigeria

Our Month of.....
October is our Month of Sowing, September was our month of Divine Opportunities and Enlargement...I know you did experienced GOD in that way...Month of October is a very promising one, Just make sure you sow good seeds as GOD blesses you...Month of Harvest is coming o and as you know, you cant harvest when you have not planted...

Get to know the Month....
October <3, my favorite month of the year. The weather is perfect and everything is beautiful.
Yea! October is the tenth month of the year, the second of the ember months and one of the seven month with a length of 31 days. October ends on the same day of the week as February every year and January in common years only. In common years, October starts on the same day of the week as May of the previous year while in leap years, October starts on the same day of the week as August of the previous year. In common years, October ends on the same day of the week as May of the previous year while in leap years, October ends on the same day of the week as August and November of the previous year. In years immediately before common years, October starts on the same day as April and July of the following year while in years immediately before leap years, October starts on the same day of the week as September and December of the following year. In years immediately before common years, October ends on the same day of the week as July of the following year while years immediately before leap years, October ends on the same day of the week as April and December of the following year.

The Zodiac Sign....

Zodiac - Libra - 11x14 Poster Art Print. $19.00, via Etsy.
1st - 22nd of October falls under Libra,  English name for Libra is the SCALE.
Keywords: negotiating, ethical
Key characteristics: refined, social, artistic, vacillating, intellectual, communication and concerned with relationships
Motto: 'I balance'
Ruling planet: Venus
Love planet: Saturn & Uranus
Finance planet: Mars & Pluto
Career planet: Moon, Jupiter & Neptune
Lucky numbers:  5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 23, 24, 26, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 44, 50, 51, 53, 60, 61, 69, 77, 78, 80 and 87
Lucky days: Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Zodiac Mind - Your #1 source for Zodiac Facts
23rd - 31st of October falls under Scorpio.
Key characteristics: Secretive, passionate, resolute, insensitive, steadfast, painstaking and stubborn
Ruling planet: Mars and Pluto
Love planet: Venus, Jupiter and Neptune
Finance planet: Jupiter
Career planet: Sun
Lucky numbers:  2, 3, 9,11, 12, 18, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30, 36, 38, 45, 47,48, 54, 56, 57, 74, 75, 81, 83 and 84
Lucky days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays

Special Celebration...
Every 1st of the month as lately been a special day for me, its always a double count, double celebration...you know, double double things#winks# you'll get to know the reason very soon....So grateful to GOD..Shout out to my Cookie, He's been so wonderful and helpful always.

October 12 the wonderful voices of Bethel Baptist Church will be having their Choir Concert and Launching....Gonna be a great one...

October 13 - 18th will be on leave....Halleluyah!..been working since the beginning of the year..biko i need rest....don't really have plans yet but i should be spending quality time with my family and cookie...think i should also take time out to seek GOD's face too...Abi?

October 19th my family's thanksgiving....am loving October already...ama ama gonna dance dance dance in the presence of GOD

October Born....
October Born...it's in the stars. :)
Shout out to all my October born
Vivian Miracle and her dad
Titi Ogunlobiyi
Our Iya Mission - Mrs Enitinwa
Wish you GOD's best, you shall fulfill purpose, IJN, Amen.

birthday, fall, halloween, etc. shall i go on? so much fun who couldn't keep calm
Have a Blast October

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Timeless Beauty Trend

Here are timeless fashion trend that know matter what will always be in vogue 

Red Lips
Red Lips for the Holiday Season

Smokey Eye

Defined Brows
The  #benebeautysquad would hold tryouts based on both football skills and eyebrow game

Winged Eyeliner
Beautiful winged eyeliner

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Saturday, 27 September 2014

Four Good Reasons For A Man To Hit A Woman

A Tennessee woman is posting graphic photos of her battered face online in an effort to spread awareness about domestic violence. Angela Brower, 37, said she recently broke up with her boyfriend of six months after he became verbally and physically abusive towards her.
Found this interesting and decided to share

Lately, there has been much discussion about violence against women by the men in their life. Many have said there is never a good reason for a man to strike a woman but I disagree and today I am speaking out! I have six sons and I have taught them what my father taught my brothers and I: there are four good reasons for a man to hit the woman he loves;

If you look over at the woman you love and discover flames have overtaken your girl, you should absolutely knock her to the ground and start rolling her around.

If your princess discovers a spider wandering across her shoulder and with sheer terror in her voice says “GET. IT. Off! You should smack that 8 legged sucker right off of her.

If over dinner she begins to laugh at another one of your amazingly funny stories and in the process, lodges a bit of her steak in her throat, you have my full support to yank her out of her chair, spin her around and start squeezing her beneath her rib-cage until she spits up!

If, while enjoying a peaceful, after dinner walk with your lover, you notice she has wandered into the path of a quickly approaching oncoming train, by all means, grab her by her arm and like the strong man you are, yank her backwards aggressively.

Absent the presence of fire, spiders, choking or trains, dad taught us boys there is never, ever, ever, ever, ever a justifiable reason for a man to strike a woman. Period. He said real men don’t do it. He then added this important definition about being a ‘real man’ which I want to share with all men today;

“Real men don’t allow other men to hit women either.”

I call upon my brothers-in-manhood everywhere to join with me in ZERO TOLERANCE for violence against women. Don’t hit and don’t tolerate hitting. That woman you see getting abused by her “man”, at the club or in the parking lot or even, oh let’s say, an elevator; intervene. Put yourself between the abuser and the victim. Is that dangerous? Could be. But it’s what a real man would do. Always remind yourself when you witness violence on a woman- that is somebody’s mother, daughter or sister. 

Just for the record, it is your business if you decide to make it your business. In the Dunn household, my sons know we consider the safety of other women, our personal business, whether the abuser likes it or not. 
Lastly, a note to the abused women of the world- do not take one more punch, slap or kick from any man. There is NOTHING that makes it okay. Stop making excuses for him. He is a broken man and needs to be repaired before he is worthy of spending another second in your presence. Insist on it.

5 Bad Reasons Women Let Men Hit Them;

"He was drunk"
So what? He will be drunk again. And although I have personally never been drunk, I know many people who do occasionally get intoxicated- NONE of them hit their women. Your husband or boyfriend is not NORMAL. Stop trying to convince yourself he is.

"He's under a lot of stress"
Real men deal with stress by hitting the gym, hitting a golf ball or even hitting the buffet. They do NOT hit women. Stress is not a gateway emotion to violence for healthy, normal men.

"I deserves it"
What???? No. There is nothing you or any woman can do to validate violence against you. Maybe you have done something so bad he leaves you, but violence is not on the list of options for him to choose from when he is upset. NEVER AN OPTION.

"His dad abused his mom, It's all he knows"
When I hear that statement, it makes me throw up a little in my mouth. So what if he witnessed abuse as a child?? If anything, he knows better than others the hurt and pain that comes from abuse. In life we witness lots of things that are bad but we don’t then go integrate them into our own lives. If your man abuses you because he witness abuse, let him go witness therapy. Let him go witness a support group. Let him go witness life alone without you and the children. 

"It was only once. He apologized"
Statistics say that where there is a “first time”, there is a second time. Your response to the “first time” needs to send an incredibly clear message to your “man” that there will be no second time. Send that message so clearly it haunts him. Make a bold statement with action attached. It is the ‘action’ that will signal the level of your seriousness. That might be calling the police, it might be moving out for a week or two, it might be telling him to leave for a week or require immediate counseling. Your words to him after being hit MUST be followed up with immediate action to reinforce the true level of intolerance you have for violence against yourself.

You might be shocked to learn that someone in your life is an abuser, which means somebody in your life is a victim. Rather than guessing who it might be, just share this article with everyone so it reaches the ones who need to hear it most.

Abusers, be on notice- I’m watching. My sons are watching. And millions of other real men are watching. We WILL defend and protect your wife, your mother and your sister….even from you.

Troy Dunn

Say No To Violence Against Women!!!

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Friday, 26 September 2014

Things You Can Use to Exfoliate Your Lips

Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal // bake on Sunday and eat throughout the week! via Eat Yourself Skinny #healthy #prepday
You’ve probably heard of putting oatmeal on your skin, but you can also use it on your lips. Grind up some plain oats and mix them with a bit of honey so they taste good and so they’re easier to spread. Then gently rub them over your lips for several seconds before rinsing.

When things are this simple, I tend to do them - 1 minute to soft, younger looking hands.
Straight white sugar is one of the best things you can use to exfoliate your lips. And it tastes pretty good too! On top of the yummy taste, it’s super easy and fast too! Simply mix a dab of sugar with a drop or two of olive oil. Slather it on your lips and gently rub it back and forth. Rinse and you’re done!

Cashew milk recipe... really want to try this with cinnamon.  Yum. Not a fan of cow's milk so maybe this can be my alternative!
According to skincare experts, milk contains vitamins that remove dead skin cells, making it a great exfoliator. Obviously, it’s going to be hard to exfoliate your lips with plain milk, so mix it with a bit of honey so it sticks. Bonus – honey is good for your skin too!

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Cleaning Your MakeUp Brushes

professional make-up brushes I have so many brushes I need to remember which is for what
When left alone, makeup brushes collect dirt, oil, bacteria, and other buildup that can cause breakouts and aggravate skin. Yikes, who wants that?! That's why cleaning your makeup brushes should be part of your regular routine!
If you paid good money for these brushes, why not take proper care of them? Try your best to clean your brushes at least once a week, if not more. By doing so, you'll preserve the life of your brushes and avoid the chances of getting skin irritations and breakouts.
For a deep cleanse, swish the brushes in a shallow bowl of alcohol. You can even wipe down the brush handles with the alcohol as well. A solid brush shampoo will help you out next. The olive oil soap will help break down the makeup that's deep in the brush. Remember, it's important to use lukewarm water and NOT hot water, as it can be damaging to the bristles. Wet the brush but don't let the water hit above the metal part, or else the glue can loosen and the brush can fall apart! When you're finished, remove all excess water and lay the brush out on a towel overnight.
A big mistake people tend to make is soaking the brushes in water for too long. The water manages to get into the glue that's holding all the brush hairs together and loosens it... that's why your makeup brushes are constantly shedding! How do you like to take care of them?
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Friday, 19 September 2014

7 Ways To Prevent/ Manage Body Odour

The Chemistry of Body Odours – Sweat, Halitosis, Flatulence & Cheesy Feet

Body odour is important for everyone to consider because most people who have it do not even know-Except you tell them.

Body odour, also known as Bromhidrosis happens at puberty because of increasing hormones called androgens. While sweat itself is virtually odourless, bacteria use it as a breeding ground and multiply rapidly. What you smell is the products related to bacteria breakdown of keratin protein on the surface of your skin.

Body odour is usually associated with the armpits, however bacteria can also produce odour in the groin, anus area, upper thighs, and feet, among other places. Thoroughly washing your skin with a wet washcloth and soap -- especially those areas prone to sweating -- can help prevent body odour.

If you want to be "odour-free" consider the following tips:

1. Apply an antiperspirant at bedtime. This gives the product a chance to work while you sleep and are not sweating. If you apply antiperspirants after showering in the morning, the sweat you accumulate will wash away the product and render you defenseless against daytime sweating. Remember, deodorants do not prevent sweating. They mainly mask the smell of the sweat on your skin. Antiperspirants are chemical agents that reduce sweating. Many antiperspirant preparations also contain a deodorant, which helps to mask the smell. Check the product you use to make sure it contains an antiperspirant.

2. Keep your underarms dry. Bacteria have a hard time breeding in dry areas of the body.

3. Try a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to fight body odour. Use 1 teaspoon of peroxide (3%) to 1 cup (8 ounces) of water. Wipe this on affected areas (underarm, feet, groin) with a washcloth. This may help destroy some of the bacteria that creates odour.

4. If sweat from working out is your No. 1 cause of body odour, wash your workout clothes often. Sweaty gym clothes are a bacteria-breeding ground.

5. Change your diet. Sometimes, fatty foods, oils, or strong-smelling foods such as garlic, curry, and onions, can seep through your pores and cause body odour (always see a doctor or dietician before making drastic dietary changes).

6. If you have excessive sweating (called hyperhidrosis), talk to your doctor. There are a few treatment options for those with more severe sweating who desire more aggressive treatments. Also, certain medical problems can lead to excessive sweating. Your doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

7. Shaving your underarm regularly will help prevent the accumulation of bacteria and can reduce sweat and odour.

Source: Noble Doctors

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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

LASU mourns Professor Ademola Onifade....RIP Sir

A professor of Sports Psychology, the former Dean, Faculty of Education and the immediate past Director of Centre for Environment and Science Education (CESE), Professor Ademola Onifade, of the Lagos State University (LASU), Ojo, on Tuesday, died at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja.

The Professor of Sports Psychology, who was in his late 50s died at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, where he was rushed to after he slumped last Friday at his FESTAC residence

His sudden death had thrown the university community into mourning and many of his colleagues were shocked when the news hit the campus yesterday morning.

The Daughter Adura Onifade was my class mate in LASU Staff School

He will be greatly missed!

May his Soul Rest in Perfect Peace

Monday, 15 September 2014

My GrandMa's Burial at Ilesha - Osun State

Like a grenade, I got this phone call when I was preparing for Sunday service on the 18thof May 2014, that my grandma Emily Afolabi Ogunjobi passed on....sweet, caring and loving woman.  She took care of me and my wonderful sistos....bath us, made our hair, tell us wonderful stories....I wish I could pay her back the right way.

It hurt more than I thought when I heard she relocated....#smiles#, I shed tears for a hardworking , selfless, supportive, amazing, kind woman....I could go on and on you know....I am so grateful that she was a huge part of my growing up.

Sleep well Grandma

I will really miss u....cause I am already

Love You!!!

Posted via Blogaway

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Nutrition Secrets to Get a Flat Stomach.....Vol 2

Flat stomach.
Last week i gave four tips on how to get a flat stomach, if you missed it click here, Today will are reviewing more tips

Read the labels (even on diet food)
Even the foods that are supposed to be designed for dieters can be loaded with nasty chemicals and even far more calories than we need.  Always check the labels on the food and drinks you're about to have and again, make sure you know what a serving size is! Its crucial for losing stomach fat fast.

Never skip breakfast
Skipping breakfast can actually be one of those things that cause stomach fat! If you don't eat after many hours of sleeping you body goes into 'starvation mode'. This is bad news for shedding belle fat because it slows down your metabolism in an effort to save energy and burn less calories.  In fact, a lot of dietitians advice that the best breakfast is a heavy one,

Cut down or eliminate alcohol consumption
Because of the effects alcohol has on the liver, consuming alcoholic drinks slows down the body's natural fat burning process.  An occasional glass of red wine is probably the best option.  Not only is it low-carb, but it has some other health benefit as well.  The occasional cocktail won't undo all your hard work, but as with all things, moderation is key. Just make sure that you don't forget that alcohol is filled with empty calories and it severely depletes your energy reserves.

Reduce your salt intake
Excessive consumption of salt makes the body retain water.  This makes the abdomen appear bloated.  We can get enough salt from our diet without adding it to our food.  Also, junk food contains a lot of salt and is best eliminated in order to lose excess fat.

Make your own meals
Because even the foods that promise they're good for dieting are often packed with unhealthy preservatives, sometimes you just have to rely on yourself.  Although you might not be able to cook every mean yourself, do what you can.  Try making a fresh salad to take to lunch or make several meals in advance.  Meal planning also helps hold you accountable where you diet is concerned, plus you're far less tempted by those unhealthy impulse buys at the grocery store.  Choose fresh, natural ingredients whenever possible and go organic when you can.  

Monday, 8 September 2014

How To Stay Awake Without Caffeine

God he knows me too well. The universe is pointing me towards my homework. Can I get a huge poster of this to put on my ceiling for when I'm about to take a nap and not study?

Hello Beautiful Fans,

This post is basically for the LASU starting there examination today...I want to take you guyz tru some was to stay awake without caffeine....I hope it helps...

There's really nothing like a good cup of coffee to start your day, but with the side effects that can come with it, it may be a wise choice to start looking for ways to stay awake without caffeine. More than four cups of coffee per day could lead to rapid heartbeat, muscle tremors and insomnia and while five cups of coffee or more per day is totally excessive.

What happen when studying so hard...

Blast A Tune
Set you alarm to a catchy dance song that gets your feet moving...make you playlist with some upbeat songs for a five minute break before you start studying.

Turn Down the Temp
It's no suprise that being warm and cozy is a perfect condition for a good sleep, so why should you be warm and cozy when you need to study, turn down the temperature a bit or have an icy cold glass of water.

Avoid Crabs and Heavy Food
Foods high in carbohydrates(sugar, eba, semo, fufu, rice etc) will cause you to crash. Instead, opt for food high in protein.

Give Your Eyes a Break
As a student you laptop and books can cause your eye to tire, which in turn makes you feel sleepy too, so give you eyes s break and take a nap when required.

Do Something that Makes You happy
Doing something that makes you happy will awaken your brain and will put you in a good mood.

Lastly putting #1 - #5 to use without determination that you really want to study is just waste of time. Be Determined that you wanna succeed and you will get there.

I hope that these tips will help to keep you on top of your game as you prepare for your exam...I wish you great success...

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Saturday, 6 September 2014

Breathe New Life Into Your MakeUp Bag

Here are funny and colorful types of makeup to revive our makeup bags:

Colored Mascara
Black Mascara would make you look more defined! For the more adventurous among us why not go for blue, green, yellow or orange mascara!
Coloured Mascara to make eyes pop... I guess the beautiful face helps too. Cara Delevingne makes it look too easy.
i can be tough. I can be strong..but with you its not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit. Behind this wall you just walk through it...

For many years lipstick has been used to bring a pop of colour to our faces, and even famous historical figures worked this out.  However, gone are the days when we just use one colour....
10 Beauty Infographics to Pin Now and Use Later - theFashionSpot

Fake Lashes
It's all about the fake lashes for me! I use them for special events. I suggest swapping fake eye lashes for individual lashes; they last longer.
This could mark the beginning of false lashes-hoarding... GUIDE to ARDELL LASHES :: So handy! | #ardell #falsies #fakelashes

There are amazing lipsticks and eye makeup that have a lot of glitter in them
22 Beauty Tutorials For Dramatic Holiday Looks  11. 3D Glitter Lips
Is this the color she wears on the cover of JUST FOR FINS? http://browseinside.harperteen.com/index.aspx?isbn13=9780062192158
Pink glitter eyeshadow!!! Bebe!!! Beautiful for a ballerina!!!

Nail Varnish
Nail varnish are classic, classy and looks amazing

makeup organizer ideas | Makeup Storage Ideas 3 : 10 Amazing Makeup Storage Ideas | Top Home ...

No longer will your makeup bag look dull and uninspiring!

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Friday, 5 September 2014

Foundation Applicator......

Some formulations work best with specific applicators for example, to get the most even converage with powder foundation, a natural-bristle brush is your best bet.....but often, it just comes down to personal perferences. Whatever applicator you feel most comfortable with is the way to go, as long as you blend, blend, blend.

I always thought a beauty blender was for a sheer finish! I need to look into this..

Beauty Blender - Sponge Care
Sephora: beautyblender : beautyblender® : sponges-applicators-makeup-brushes-applicators-makeup
Best foundation brushes and sponges. Sigma, real techniques and beauty blender

Your Finger is another option.....

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